Tesla Cybertruck

The Brief: The project objective was to create a 3D model of my choice and place it within an appropriate scene. While the brief allowed for flexibility in model selection, I chose to recreate the Cybertruck due to my personal interest and admiration for its design.


During development, I referenced images, blueprints, and videos of the Cybertruck to ensure accuracy in modelling its design. I also drew inspiration from car showcase scenes to conceptualise the environment layout.

During development, I began with a basic block shape, gradually refining it to resemble the Cybertruck's intricate design. Employing mirroring techniques, I focused on crafting one side in detail, ensuring symmetry. Bevels were strategically applied to add definition to edges and enhance realism. Materials such as Blinn and Lambert were selected to replicate the vehicle's metallic surfaces accurately. To illuminate the scene, I implemented area lights and established a three-point lighting system, accentuating the Cybertruck's features and creating depth in the showcase environment.
Using a cube to build the car
Using a cube to build the car
Adding Bevels
Adding Bevels
Materials Used
Materials Used
Created one side to be mirrored
Created one side to be mirrored
Final Renders

The final design showcased the Cybertruck model within a visually striking environment, capturing its sleek and futuristic aesthetic. The attention to detail in the model's construction, coupled with the minimalistic backdrop, emphasised the vehicle's design features and overall appeal.
Front View
Front View
Front Side - View
Front Side - View
Back Side - View
Back Side - View
Back View
Back View
Reflection and Success

Reflecting on the project, I realised how my passion for the Cybertruck influenced my decision to choose it as the subject of my first 3D modelling project. Despite the challenges of accurately recreating its complex design, the project was a success both technically and creatively. It reinforced my enthusiasm for 3D modelling and provided a solid foundation for future endeavours in the field.

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