BP - Home Energy Management System

The Brief: This project aimed to develop a digital solution for BP, empowering users to manage energy consumption efficiently. Targeting diverse users, it promoted energy savings through sustainable alternatives like solar panels and EV chargers. The goal was to change user behavior and highlight the benefits of BP's Home Energy Management System (HEMS).

Persona Analysis

This involved understanding the provided persona's demographics, behaviours, and pain points to inform design decisions effectively.
Research Competitors & Benchmarking

I had to analyse competitors and benchmark existing home energy management products to identify industry trends and user preferences.
Design process

I followed a structured design process, encompassing ideation, prototyping, user testing, and iteration, all tailored to meet the persona's unique requirements and preferences effectively.
User Journey Map & Sitemap

I crafted user journey maps and sitemaps, mapping out the persona's interactions and navigation paths through the digital product to ensure optimal usability.
Initial Low-Fidelity Designs

I commenced the design journey by sketching out rough drafts and creating low - fidelity wireframes, allowing for quick exploration of concepts and layout possibilities.
Initial Design

At first, I developed a dark-themed version of the app to impart a modern feel. However, I soon realised that this direction was straying from BP's branding. Consequently, I updated the colours to better align with BP's brand identity as you will see in the final designs.
Final Design

After multiple iterations, the final designs not only seamlessly integrated BP's branding but also successfully achieved the desired functionality, effectively showcasing the benefits of the BP Home Energy Management System (HEMS) and meeting the users requirements.
Reflection and Success

I successfully crafted an app enabling users to effectively manage and optimise their energy usage. By prioritising usability and incorporating sustainable energy solutions, I delivered a solution aligned with BP's goals.

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