The Gym Group

The brief: Which was to create a promo video for a brand, and I chose The Gym Group due to my personal connection and passion for fitness. The idea stemmed from a desire to fill the void of motion graphics adverts for The Gym Group while leveraging my familiarity with the gym's atmosphere to capture its essence and values.


The video began with the cryptic phrase "A place to...", enticing viewers to delve deeper. Subsequently, it unveiled key words from the gym environment, gradually building a narrative that resonated with the audience's experiences. This approach captivated viewers, reinforcing The Gym Group's values while maintaining engagement throughout the animation. Finally, the animation culminated in the reveal of The Gym Group's logo,
Soundtrack Selection

After extensive exploration, a soundtrack was selected to perfectly complement the animation's energetic tone and pacing, enhancing the overall impact and viewer experience by matching the dynamic energy and rhythm of the visuals.
Project Organisation

With clear naming conventions and meticulous organisation, I ensured an orderly workspace, enhancing collaboration and future usability.
Final Results

The final results were a dynamic, fast-paced video that effectively highlighted The Gym Group's brand identity and values in a visually captivating manner, creating a strong presence for the brand
Reflection and Success

Through careful planning and consideration, the project achieved its objectives effectively, resulting in a promotional video for the brand that resonated with the target audience.

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